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Are water filters necessary?
Think water filters are unnecessary? Find out why they are so important for good health.
How can singing your heart out help after cancer treatment?
4 ways that belting out a song can help you after cancer treatment.
PEA is for pain
Palmitoylethanolamide, commonly known as PEA, can help reduce neuropathy caused by chemotherapy.
Probiotics can help reduce nausea and vomiting during cancer treatment
Nausea and vomiting are miserable side effects of cancer treatment. Probiotics can make a significant difference to your quality of life by reducing the severity and incidence of both of them.
The role of magnesium in fighting cancer and infections
Magnesium helps killer T cells to find and destroy hidden cancer cells.
Acupuncture for safe cancer pain relief
Acupuncture and acupressure can be a safe alternative to painkillers for cancer patients.
Black cohosh for Menopausal Symptoms after Treatment
Menopausal symptoms are common after cancer treatment. You can safely use some extracts of Black cohosh to cope with them.
Treating the pain of peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy can be a miserable side-effect of chemo and radiation therapies. Doctors can do little to help, but there are natural treatments available.
Does Green Tea have a Dark Side?
There are potential problems with using green tea during cancer treatment. Find out more.
Is it worth paying more for organic foods?
Have you ever looked at the organic foods in the supermarket and wondered whether it’s worth spending the extra money? Does it really make much difference?
Exercising can prevent bone metastasis
Metastasis is the dread of every cancer patient. It occurs when cancer cells spread through the bloodstream or the lymph fluid to other parts of the body and form a new tumour in a distant location.